Alaska Herpetological

Grant Guidelines
The 2021 AHS Research Grants Program Award will be $500!
Please begin by reading the Rules and Guidelines document.
Application Deadline: April 1st, 2021
Award Announcement: April 15th, 2021
Award Distribution: May 1st, 2021
Award must be used by: December 31st, 2021
Alaska Herpetological Society
Research Grant Stipulations
Grant Purpose: The purpose of this grant is to stimulate and support herpetological research, outreach and education in the state of Alaska.
Applicant Solicitation: Our grant program will be publicized in our newsletter, to our email list, and on our Facebook page.
Applicant Eligibility:
To be eligible for our proposed grant program, applicants must:
1. Be a member in good standing with AHS
2. Be proposing herpetological related activities in the state of Alaska
3. Be at least 18 years of age OR submit jointly with an eligible adult
Grant Rules:
To obtain or maintain an AHS grant, recipients must:
1. Remain a paid member in good standing with AHS
2. If a student, you must maintain a minimum of a 3.0 grade point average and remain enrolled full-time in an accredited academic institution. AHS may request a copy of your unofficial transcripts at any time.
3. Submit a report of project activities at the end of the calendar year in which the research took place. This shall include a financial statement of expenditures related to the grant.
4. Submit a newsletter / website article including a photograph of yourself.
5. Present a brief presentation of your project activities at the next AHS Annual Meeting, either in person or by teleconference.
6. Acknowledge AHS in all publications and presentations related to activities conducted under the grant
7. Return all grant monies to AHS if the project activities fail to take place by December 31st of the award year.
Grants cannot be renewed. While previous recipients will remain eligible for grants, recipients must reapply annually for additional funding.
Selection Committee: The selection committee will be the Executive Board. Criteria for selection committee membership and the method of replacing committee members shall be the same as the Executive Board except where members of the Executive Board are grant applicants. Executive Board members, their relatives and substantial contributors are eligible for AHS grants. If an Executive Board member or his/her relative is an applicant for a grant, they will not serve on the selection committee. A volunteer who is a member in good standing of AHS shall replace the
Executive Board applicant on the selection committee. No applicant of the current grant cycle may serve on the selection committee.
Selection Criteria:
Grant applications will be ranked based on the following criteria:
1. Soundness of methodology
2. Soundness of budget
3. Contributions to knowledge of Alaska?s herpetofauna
4. Alignment with AHS goals
Project applications that are best described as ?research? will be prioritized in even-numbered years and projects best described as ?education? or ?outreach? will be prioritized in odd-numbered years.
Grant Oversight: The Executive Board will meet regularly to discuss the status of funded grant projects. The grant will be paid directly to individual recipients. Student applicants shall be required to submit unofficial transcripts with their application package. If the Executive Board determines that a grant recipient is in violation of the grant stipulations, an official written warning will be issued. If the violation is not corrected in a timely manner, the recipient will become ineligible for future grant opportunities.
The Executive Board will (1) arrange to receive and review grantee reports annually and upon completion of the purpose for which the grant was awarded, (2) investigate diversions of funds from their intended purposes, and (3) take all reasonable and appropriate steps to recover diverted funds, ensure other grant funds held by a grantee are used for their intended purposes, and withhold further payments to grantees until you obtain grantees? assurances that future diversions will not occur and that grantees will take extraordinary precautions to prevent future diversions from occurring.
AHS will maintain all records relating to individual grants, including information obtained to evaluate grantees, identify whether a grantee is a disqualified person, establish the amount and purpose of each grant, and establish the supervision and investigation of grants.
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