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Christine Jenkins (10/12/1928 - 1/4/2023)

Christine (Chrissy) Jenkins was born in Wrangell and has always been a strong Kiks.adi women. She dedicated her life to education and to promoting cultural awareness, having served as a teacher and principal in Wrangell schools. She received a prestigious award for this service at the Alaska Federation of Natives meeting in 2005. Christine served as a culture bearer for the Kiks.adi and an advocate of the Stikine Tlingit. 


Click here to read Christine Jenkins' obituary in the Wrangell Sentinel 

FATHER: Otto Feller (2/1/1882-5/15/1957); Born in Danzig, Germany

MOTHER: Susie Cooday (1893-9/26/1931); Born in Wrangell, AK


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